Spanish justice withdraws appeal against German Hells Angel leader

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Spanish justice withdraws appeal against German Hells Angel leader

The Spanish justice department is withdrawing its appeal against the earlier acquittal of German Hells Angels leader Frank Hanebuth. A court in Madrid previously found him not guilty of criminal offenses he allegedly committed in Mallorca. The German broadcaster NDR writes this on its site.

Image: The acquitted German Hells Angel Frank Hanebuth


According to the Spanish prosecutor, Hanebuth is guilty of money laundering, threats and prohibited possession of weapons. He is said to have committed the crimes as Hells Angels boss on the island of Mallorca, between 2009 and 2013, in a criminal conspiracy. In 2013 he was arrested there, along with others who were also accused of trafficking in women.

Hanebuth is said to have set up a chapter of the Hells Angels on Mallorca and recruited people for this on the island, and then committed the criminal offenses.


A court in Madrid, Spain acquitted the then 59-year-old German Hells Angels leader in September last year. Twelve other members of the motorcycle club were also found not guilty. 32 others received prison sentences.


Frank Hanebuth was the Hells Angels leader in Hannover, Germany for many years. In Spain he was sentenced to 13 years in prison. In 2015, he was released on bail of 60,000 euros after two years in pre-trial detention.

The Hells Angels captain stated that he had nothing to do with the Hells Angels chapter in Mallorca. On that island, Hanebuth is said to have led a luxurious life for years, living in a villa worth 2.5 million euros.

Hanebuth refused to make a deal with the judiciary during his trial last year because he believed he was innocent. 32 others of 48 arrested members of the motorcycle club on the Spanish island did enter into an agreement with the judiciary.

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