Spain arrests Dutch after finding 16 tons of cocaine

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Spain arrests Dutch after finding 16 tons of cocaine

The Spanish police, customs and tax authorities have found more than 16 tons of cocaine during raids at various locations in Reus, Spain. Five suspects of Dutch, Albanian and Lithuanian descent have been arrested.

During raids in Reus, the investigative services discovered a processing center to extract the impregnated cocaine from the pellets. The pellets were camouflaged and shipped from South America to the Spanish coast via sea containers.

920 bags of cocaine-infused pellets were seized during the operation. Each weighed 18 kilos, for a total of 16,560 kilos. The wood sticks also serve as fuel for boilers or stoves.

The criminal organization had two industrial warehouses in Reus. One of them was used to store and ‘cool’ the coke for at least three months. The other for packaging, sealing and storing the drug after it had been extracted from the material in which it was camouflaged.

During the raids, 5 kilos of synthetic drugs (speed and MDMA), 3,965 euros in cash, two hydraulic presses, drug production equipment, a truck and a luxury vehicle were seized.

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