Son Chantal Janzen has first swimming lesson

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Son Chantal Janzen has first swimming lesson

The youngest member of the family of Chantal Janzen and Marco Geeratz has had his first swimming lesson. And although the couple has experienced this before with their other children, it was still a special moment. Chantal writes on instagram: “Today was Bob’s first swimming lesson. We drank coffee in the sun around the corner, had no children for 40 minutes, took this selfie, sent it to my mother, and then we talked about, yes, the children for 40 minutes. And even though it’s the 5th time for my husband and the 2nd time for me, we were still way too early in the hallway of the swimming pool at the swing doors, and couldn’t resist sneaking a peek. Which was not allowed, but of course we did anyway. Because his grandfather has always been a lifeguard, so he must get a film.”

Special moment

Chantal continues: “We saw our moment when he was without other children, and we saw a broadly smiling boy who proudly did a swimming stroke with his legs that was totally indefinable but extremely enthusiastic. And you know it’s going well, but you always think in advance ‘I hope it’s going well’. And in a while, even next week, all this will be ‘normal’ again for him, and for us. Still special, isn’t it, all the ‘first times’ for your children? No matter how young or old they are. We thought so again today.”

Source: instagram / Image: instagram

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