Seven youths arrested after street robbery

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Seven youths arrested after street robbery

Rijswijk – After a street robbery on Sunday, February 19 around 5 p.m., in which the victim was robbed of his coat and hit on the head, seven young men were arrested. The police is investigating the case. Two suspects are still in custody.

On Bogaardplein, the victim was approached by two of the suspects. The other suspects gathered behind him. A number of boys wore a balaclava (a cap that partially covers the face). One of the suspects asked the victim about his coat. As the victim continued walking, he was hit on the head. Two of the suspects started pulling on the victim’s coat. The victim eventually let go of his coat, after which the suspects fled.

Two suspects still in custody

After the street robbery, a witness could tell that the suspects had left in the direction of Generaal Spoorlaan. Seven boys were found here who matched the description, they were immediately arrested. Five of them have been released, but remain involved in this investigation as suspects. Two of them are still in custody.

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