Seizures and arrests during checks on A37

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Zwinderscheveld – On Thursday, June 20, the police, together with Customs, Tax Authorities, Royal Military Police and German police, conducted a 100% inspection action at the Zwinderscheveld rest area on the A37 highway. During the action, fines were issued, vehicles were searched and seized and arrests were made.

A so-called 100% control action is aimed at persons, vehicles and freight. This is where the expertise of the various government services involved comes together, which makes the control thorough and total. Furthermore, 1600 litres of unauthorised crop protection products were found, a total of almost 73 thousand euros in outstanding debts and fines were collected, 18 vehicles were seized and 4 arrests were made. The police wrote out a thousand fines for, among other things, violating the speed limit or holding a mobile device. Almost 400 vehicles were searched and drugs and pepper spray were found. The police also issued several warnings for not being able to show a driver’s license or a broken brake light.

A total of 120 colleagues participated in the campaign. This was organized by the National Expertise and Operations Unit, and colleagues from various regional units were also involved. This type of control actions is aimed at increasing safety on the road. Safe traffic in the Netherlands was also present.

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