Second suspect arrested in investigation into death of Johan van Boxtel

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Second suspect arrested in investigation into death of Johan van Boxtel

Eindhoven/Grave – The police arrested a 42-year-old man from Eindhoven this morning in the Penitentiary in Grave. The man is suspected of involvement in the murder of Johan van Boxtel in 2017. Last week, a 35-year-old man from Geldrop was arrested in this investigation.

Some time ago, the police received new information in the investigation into the murder of the then 32-year-old Van Boxtel. The Eindhove resident was shot dead on Sunday, May 7, 2017 on Memlincstraat. The investigation was revived and led to the arrest of a first suspect on Monday, September 11.

Second suspect

The images of the murder showed that at least two people were probably involved. After the first arrest, the Large-Scale Investigation Team (TGO) conducted intensive further investigation. This ultimately led to the arrest of the second suspect. This concerns a 42-year-old man from Eindhoven. He is suspected of possible involvement in the case.

At the time of his arrest, he was being held in the PI in Grave in connection with another investigation.

Public help

As the police and the judiciary, we want nothing more than to solve this crime and the investigation is still in full swing. We do not rule out that more arrests will follow. We therefore repeat the call to the public once again. We hope that after all this time there are people who still have information that can help us and that they would still like to report it. The smallest details can help us. You can report completely anonymously via Report Crime Anonymous (MMA) or one of the other methods below.

Investigation Requested

The murder of Johan van Boxtel was some time ago and we understand that some things may have faded into the background in your memory. In July 2018, extensive attention was paid to the murder in Opsporing Verzocht. You can watch the broadcast in question here.

We understand that there may be many questions about the murder and the current investigation. However, in the interest of the investigation, we cannot provide any further information about this.

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