Rotterdam: prevent attack and new explosion (UPDATE)

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Rotterdam: prevent attack and new explosion (UPDATE)

In Rotterdam, according to the police on Crooswijkseweg, a fire or explosion was prevented on Saturday morning because someone reported placing a bottle with a liquid. There were several explosions in that street in Rotterdam-West last week. An explosive device went off on Strevelsweg in South Rotterdam an hour after this report. A building in Leidschendam was shot at last night.

Two men

An alert witness reported a suspicious situation to the emergency number in the night from Friday to Saturday. Around 03:00 he saw two men who were suspiciously loitering at a shop. The detector also smelled a certain odor. The police suspect that the bottle was intended as an incendiary bomb. The bottle has been secured for examination by the Forensic Investigation. In addition to investigating traces, the police are conducting a neighborhood investigation and available camera images will be viewed.


Around 4 a.m., residents near Strevelsweg were shocked by loud bangs. It turned out that an explosive went off at a shop. A brief fire ensued. No one was injured. After the explosion, two men on a scooter took off. The driver was wearing gray shoes and dark clothing. The man on the back of the scooter had a slight build, was dressed in black and wore a white undershirt. Both wore white helmets.

48 blasts

In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, boys aged 14 and 15 were arrested because they were busy placing a fire bomb at a building on Van Speykstraat.

In the night from Monday to Tuesday, there were explosions at apartment blocks on Crooswijkseweg and Van Speykstraat. Last weekend there was also an explosion at another building on the Crooswijkseweg. On Wednesday evening, the police arrested a 32-year-old man of no fixed abode in the investigation.

According to Algemeen Dagblad, there have been 48 explosions at buildings in Rotterdam so far in 2023. In all of 2022 there were 49.


In the night from Friday to Saturday, an apartment complex on Dokter Huijserstraat in Leidschendam was shot at. At around 6:45 a.m., a report was made to the police that shots had been fired at a porch door. Several bullet holes were found at the scene. No one was injured. It is unclear exactly when the incident took place, according to the police.

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