Ridderkerker arrested for counterfeiting company cars for drug transports

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Ridderkerker arrested for counterfeiting company cars for drug transports

The police arrested a 36-year-old man from Ridderkerk in his home on Wednesday morning. He is suspected of having prepared cars with which thieves were driven onto port sites and drugs off the site. He succeeded because he modified the cars in such a way that they looked exactly like cars that are allowed to enter the port area.

Corrupt port workers

According to the police, De Ridderkerker would be complicit in various coke transports in the port of Rotterdam. In the summer of 2020, six port security officers were arrested for corruption. After further investigation, the Ridderkerker emerged as a key figure within the criminal network.

According to the police, he ensured that the prepared cars were indistinguishable from regular commercial vehicles, including the colors and stickers on the prepared cars.

Luxury goods

In the man’s home, the police found a large amount of expensive designer clothing and a luxury watch. The police also seized three passenger cars at the house, which were probably bought with criminally obtained money.

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