Research into waste dumping in Beilen

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Research into waste dumping in Beilen

Beilen – The police are investigating a waste dumping in the province of Drenthe. On February 9, around 11:15 am, a report was received that there were several barrels in the ditch next to the N381 at hectometer pole 57.4 near Beilen. Research has shown that this may be drug waste. The police are looking for witnesses.

The police are investigating the waste dumping. 16 barrels were found in the ditch. Where possible, trace research is carried out. We are also looking for tips, images or other information that can help us in our investigation.

Witnesses wanted

Have you seen any waste dumping in recent days? Such as suspicious transport movements, the coming and going of van(s) or people carrying jerry cans or other waste. Do you have images from this area that show anything suspicious? Do you recognize the centrifuge? Or do you suspect that there is a drug lab in your area? Then share this information with the police via 0900-8844 or anonymously via Report Crime Anonymous on 0800-7000.

Harmful and major dangers

Dumpings of chemical or drug waste are dangerous because the substances can be highly flammable, highly corrosive or toxic. The chemicals can also end up in the groundwater, leading to water pollution, with all the harmful consequences that entails. Cleaning up waste costs society a lot of money. The waste may have come from a drug lab and these also pose major dangers. For example, chemicals can ignite or explode and toxic substances can escape. The storage of the chemicals required for production is also life-threatening. Especially if a drug lab is located in a populated area.

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