Rapid test helps detect celiac disease earlier

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Rapid test helps detect celiac disease earlier

A simple blood test can be done within 10 minutes demonstrate or eand child probably has celiac disease. By using this rapid test at clinics, the autoimmune disease can be diagnosed earlier, according to research by the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Jeugdgezondheidszorg Kennemerland.


Out research It is known that there is enormous underdiagnosis for celiac disease in the Netherlands. It is estimated that between 90,000 and 180,000 Dutch people have the disease, but only a fifth of these people have been diagnosed. Symptoms of celiac disease range from abdominal pain and diarrhea to anemia and growth retardation. The sooner the disease is discovered, the sooner a gluten-free diet can be started. This effective treatment can prevent the development of serious complications such as malnutrition and growth retardation prevent.

Up to 11 times more diagnoses

To improve diagnostics, scientists from LUMC, together with 14 clinics in the Kennemerland region in North Holland, investigated the use of rapid tests. A questionnaire was used to assess whether children (from 1 year of age) had symptoms that could indicate celiac disease. In children with suspicious symptoms, a rapid test based on 1 drop of blood was then used to determine whether there could indeed be celiac disease. With the rapid test, it turned out that 7 to 11 times as many children with celiac disease could be diagnosed than when this was done through the regular care of a general practitioner or paediatrician.

National implementation

The researchers conclude that celiac disease can be detected much earlier by using these quick and easy tests at clinics. After completing the investigation, the participating clinics have incorporated the detection of celiac disease in young children into normal care in this way. The LUMC, the Dutch Celiac Association and AJN Youth Doctors Netherlands are currently investigating whether the test can also be used at clinics in other parts of the Netherlands. The Clinics, general practitioners and pediatricians are enthusiastic about using the rapid test, but the implementation is still encountering financial problems.

Sources: ZonMW and Gluten screen

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