‘Raid in Rotterdam residential tower in manhunt for Vuong’

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'Raid in Rotterdam residential tower in manhunt for Vuong'

In the manhunt for 49-year-old Minh Nghia Vuong, an arrest team raided a residential tower on Pegasusweg in Rotterdam-Alexander on Monday evening. Vuong has been a fugitive since, according to the police, he shot his former mother-in-law and fatally injured his ex-girlfriend on January 21 at a shopping center in Zwijndrecht. The raid yielded no results.

Hassan M. (41), who was convicted of, among other things, large-scale cocaine trafficking, had an apartment in that residential tower. According to the Amsterdam court, M. was the right-hand man of Roger “Piet Costa” P., who was convicted as the leader of the criminal drug organization. It is not known which apartment the police raided.

De Telegraaf makes a connection with M.’s apartment and writes about the possibility that Vuoung would have received help from people from Piet Costa’s criminal organization. Hassan M.’s lawyer speaks of a nonsense story, ‘my client is in detention.’

Last Wednesday, the police found the third getaway car that Vuong would have used in his flight.

Also see:

‘Right hand Piet Costa escaped liquidation’ (UPDATE)

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