Rachel Hazes is grateful to everyone for their loyalty to her André

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Rachel Hazes is grateful to everyone for their loyalty to her André

Like many people, Rachel Hazes really enjoyed Holland Zingt Hazes 2024. She writes on Instagram: “Dear people, it is unprecedented how loyal you still are to André. He knew it and always said it that he had the most loyal fans an artist could wish for. You have proven that again! Big, tough men who cry along to “De Vlieger”.”

Sing along loudly

There was loud singing along during the concerts. So loud in fact that Rachel thinks André heard it up in heaven.
In the post on Instagram, Rachel also thanks the audience “the guest artists, the band, light, sound, technology, stage builders, cleaners, all the people from Medialane, catering, security and everyone I have forgotten. Thank you! I hope to see you all again next year at Holland Zingt Hazes 2025.”

Source: Instagram/Image: Andries Jelle de Jong

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