‘Quincy Promes was in a department with Dikke Nordin and a convicted Dutchman’

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‘Quincy Promes was in a department with Dikke Nordin and a convicted Dutchman’

The Belgian “Fat” Nordin El H. was transferred from Dubai to a Belgian prison on Friday. El H., who was previously convicted in Belgium for drug trafficking, has yet to stand trial in new cases before the Antwerp court. He was detained there in a detention center in Al Aweer together with several Dutch people, including professional football player Quincy Promes. There is also a Dutchman sentenced to eleven years in prison in Promes’ cell.

Six-person cell

An acquaintance of this Dutchman, Gerrit ‘Tjabo” de G., reports to Crimesite that El H. stayed with him in the Umbur A1 department, together in a six-person cell with Quincy Promes, among others. The latter was convicted in the Netherlands for stabbing his cousin and large-scale cocaine trafficking. He was arrested earlier this year.

The conditions in the complex in Al Aweer are very difficult. It is very cold there and the prisoners are required to shave their heads.

De G. was sentenced to eleven years in prison in December last year as the leader of a group that had imported cocaine from South America on a very large scale.

60 days

Tjabo de G. has now been stuck in Dubai for about 45 days. We are waiting for documents about his case that the Netherlands must provide. A judge in the United Arab Emirates recently increased the term of his detention from 45 days to 60 days. The Netherlands must provide the necessary documents within that period, otherwise he will be released.

According to De G.’s acquaintance, he was in Dubai at the time of his conviction. He stayed in Turkey for some time and then returned to Dubai.

Gaby H.

Gaby H. is also in extradition detention in Dubai, Het Parool reported at the beginning of this month. The originally Syrian H. from Hoofddorp has interests in Dubai, including the catering industry. He was internationally spotted after a conviction in 2021 by the court. He got six years for drug trafficking and money laundering.

Less stiff

The United Arab Emirates currently works less smoothly with the Netherlands and Belgium than before when it comes to arresting and extraditing suspects. A son of Ridouan Taghi, who has been sentenced to life, is currently also in custody in Dubai, at the request of the Netherlands. Nothing is known about the progress in the case of his extradition.

Nordin El H. (36) stayed in Dubai for years while traveling through Belgium. In 2020, the Antwerp public prosecutor’s office submitted three extradition requests to the United Arab Emirates. El H. was arrested in June 2020, but was quickly released after paying a relatively low bail.

Only in 2023 did the United Arab Emirates decide positively on an extradition request.

Also see:

Spartak Moscow about Promes: ‘We hope for a favorable outcome for our player’

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