Public Prosecution Service demands 7 years against murder broker for preparing liquidations

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Public Prosecution Service demands 7 years against murder broker for preparing liquidations

The Public Prosecution Service demanded prison terms of seven and six years in the court in Rotterdam on Monday against two men who are on trial for preparing liquidations of several people, participation in a criminal organization and money laundering. 40-year-old Saied H. from Meppel was sentenced to seven years in prison and 31-year-old Elmain K. from Súdwest-Friesland six years.

Chris Kraijpoel

Saied H. is suspected of preparing three assassination attempts on enemies in the criminal circuit, including on businessman Chris Kraijpoel from Soest. Kraijpoel, who bought the building of the former Yab Yum sex club, is known to a number of key players from the Amsterdam underworld.

‘Murder Broker’

Saied H. and Elmain K. were arrested on May 10, 2022. An ongoing criminal investigation revealed information that two others were busy preparing suspected multiple liquidations. As clients, they would have had contact with Saied H. from Meppel. According to the Public Prosecution Service, he acted as a ‘murder broker’. He had the contacts and mediated with the man who had to carry out the liquidations of opponents of the criminal organization.

Level beacons

By reading all chats and through additional police investigation, the Public Prosecution Service is convinced that Saied H. is taking murder orders from a criminal organization. He would use 31-year-old Elmain K. to prepare the liquidations. The latter would carry out the liquidations. For this purpose, GPS trackers were arranged to be placed under the cars of the potential victims. K. was also in possession of a firearm.

‘Both suspects were busy preparing the most serious crime we know: murder. The fact that it hasn’t gotten to this point is not because they stopped doing it themselves. It is the arrest of the 40-year-old man that stopped the continuation of the preparation,” said one of the prosecutors.

Process agreements

In the case of Saied H., the Public Prosecution Service and the defense have agreed on so-called trial agreements. This is to be able to handle the criminal case quickly. According to the agreements, the defense will waive an appeal and will not submit any further investigation requests. Under these conditions, the Public Prosecution Service will moderate the sentence and therefore demands seven years in prison for Saied H.. For Elmain K., the Public Prosecution Service demands six years in prison for the preparation of murder of several people.


Iranian-born Saied H. was sentenced in August 2017 in the so-called Maggiora case to eight years in prison for, among other things, cocaine smuggling, speed production and weapons possession. That investigation gained momentum when it emerged in 2015 that shots had been fired in H.’s home.

Justice discontinued another criminal case against Saied H in 2021. He was no longer associated with a large batch of heavy weapons that were found in a garage in Hoofddorp in March 2019. The case against his co-suspects continued.

Ahmed G.

According to the prosecutor, Saied H. and Elmain K., together with Ahmet G. and others, formed a criminal organization that was involved in drug trafficking, money laundering and planning liquidations. Ahmet G. is wanted internationally. The national criminal investigation suspects him, among other things, of involvement in large-scale cocaine trafficking.

Assassination attempt

Ahmet G. himself survived an assassination attempt on him and his family in front of his villa in Amstelveen in March 2019. G. got a bullet in the leg and prevented worse by resisting, his daughter was hit in the ankle and his ex was lucky that the gun aimed at her chest malfunctioned.

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