Possible explosion prevention in Vlaardingen

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Possible explosion prevention in Vlaardingen

Vlaardingen – There is still stricter supervision in Vlaardingen and that is why officers checked a boy in Gretha Hofstralaan in Vlaardingen on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, April 10. He turned out to be in possession of goods used in committing attacks. The goods have been seized and the 14-year-old boy from Leidschendam has been arrested and is under restrictions. It is being investigated whether there is a connection with the previous explosions there.

Photo: stock image

The police are continuously investigating the series of explosions and the background. Not only detectives, but also (district) police officers are closely involved in this and devote time and attention to this on a daily basis. We work closely with the municipality and the Public Prosecution Service to arrest and prosecute suspects. This has now led to several arrests and convictions. The investigation continues unabated and information about who is involved and especially who the clients are remains welcome. Reporting remains very important. Do you see anything suspicious, do you have any information? Always report this to the police. You can of course also report anonymously via 0800-7000 or via the Criminal Intelligence Team on 088-6617734.

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088 – 661 77 34

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Information source: Politie.nl

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