Police warn against chatter trick

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Police warn against chatter trick

Terneuzen / De Heen – Several residents of Terneuzen and De Heen were called on Friday afternoon and evening by people posing as police officers. They tried to use an excuse to get money or valuables from their victims. Two people fell for the scam. Fortunately, several people were smart enough to hang up and alert the real police.

The excuse the thieves used this time was that the police had arrested burglars who were in possession of a list of addresses. That list supposedly also included the address of the intended victim. The police officer called to warn the people. He also wanted to help by keeping valuables and money safe until all burglars were apprehended. In a number of cases, someone indeed showed up at the door to collect those items. In two cases, one in Terneuzen and one in De Heen, the thieves managed to steal jewelry.

The police are investigating the thefts. For example, the police investigate whether there are camera images available on which the perpetrator(s) are visible. The police assume there are several perpetrators, because people who were called indicated that they sometimes spoke to a man and sometimes a woman.

What can you do?

  • Do you have elderly parents? A grandfather or grandmother? Do you work with older people? Then talk about this form of crime and remind people that the police never ask for debit cards and/or PIN codes and never come to the door to collect valuables and keep them safe. Employees of institutions, bank employees, etc., will also never do this. For example, also provide a list of useful telephone numbers for the police, the bank, the home care agency, etc. This way, someone can check more quickly whether the person calling is actually from one of those agencies.
  • Are you receiving a call from someone pretending to be an agent, bank employee, etc.? Then don’t start a conversation. Do not provide details about yourself, such as your address. Also, do not confirm this type of information if the caller mentions things about you. Hang up and call the agency you supposedly called to check on the story.
    Don’t just open the door to someone who says they are from the police or the bank. We do not simply visit you unannounced. We can always identify ourselves, in uniform and in civilian clothes, we do not mind waiting until you have been able to check that we are in good faith. And we never visit you to collect and safely store your debit card, PIN code, money, valuables or jewelry!
  • If you have become the victim of a chat trick, helpdesk fraud, or scam, always notify the police and report it. You can reach us on 0900-8844. Are the thieves still around or even in the building? Then call 112 immediately!
  • For more information, visit our website https://www.politie.nl/onderwerpen/babeltruc.html

Information source: Politie.nl

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