Police seize car for poaching

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Police seize car for poaching

South Limburg – The police seized a car last week that had been prepared for poaching. No one has been arrested.

A few days before the seizure, a report of suspected poaching was reported in the Vijlen area, with searchlights shining over fields and fields.
Police quickly arrived on the scene and found a vehicle that may have been involved in the poaching. The police, with the help of one of the reporters, searched the area for people who belonged to the vehicle and who were possibly poaching.

However, the alleged poachers were not found. Upon returning to the location where the vehicle was previously found, it turned out that the vehicle had just driven away at high speed. Unfortunately, a pursuit yielded no results.
The vehicle in question was stopped a few days later on the A2 following an ANPR hit. The vehicle’s MOT turned out to have expired and the license plate holder appeared to still have a number of outstanding fines that could not be paid immediately.
The vehicle was taken out of use, which allowed the police to investigate the vehicle further. This investigation showed that the vehicle had been specially prepared for poaching. It contained objects used for poaching and the car contained means to extinguish taillights and brake lights to prevent being caught red-handed. Moreover, the vehicle appeared to have been involved in poaching several times in the past.
With the permission of a Public Prosecutor, the vehicle was seized for destruction (removal from traffic).

Well-known form of poaching
This mentioned form of poaching is widely known among poachers. Strong light sources are shined over fields and fields to detect hares and deer in particular. When spotted, the animals are shot or captured and killed with the help of (usually) greyhounds.
Besides the fact that such practices are cruel, it is against the law that dedicated hunters must adhere to.
In addition, such poaching can seriously damage a game population, while hunters invest a lot of time and energy in maintaining a good game population. This is also a legal obligation of the hunter.

Information source: Politie.nl

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