Police raid Huissen’s company, which is suspected of trading in growth media intended for cannabis cultivation

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Police raid Huissen’s company, which is suspected of trading in growth media intended for cannabis cultivation

Huissen – During a raid on a business premises in Huissen, many growth media for cannabis cultivation were seized. It is suspected that those involved in this company knowingly provided information to third parties for prohibited purposes. Further investigation is being conducted using seized administration and data carriers.

The police discovered the company through regular checks on this business park and through reports made via MMA. These signals were the start of an extensive investigation that led to a raid on a business premises in Huissen and a home in Arnhem on March 25. This showed that growing supplies for commercial hemp cultivation had been sold at the business premises for a longer period. A 57-year-old resident from Arnhem was arrested during the raid. The cultivation supplies have been confiscated and have since been destroyed. Confiscated administration and data carriers have been seized for further investigation. In addition, more than 8,000 euros in cash was seized and a car was taken. The suspect was released a day later and remains a suspect in the investigation.


Since 2015, grow shops, which sell products that enable large-scale hemp cultivation, have been banned. Such products include fans, drying nets, growing media, pond liner, growing containers and sticks and potting soil. Such products are also available in garden centers. However, the combination of goods present at a grow shop (with commercial cannabis cultivation as the goal) ensures that a criminal offense is committed. To solve this and prevent unsafe situations, an integrated approach is needed to make it difficult for criminals to engage in illegal cannabis cultivation. Grow shops facilitate the cultivation of hemp. Behind the cultivation and trade there is often a world of violence and extortion. Growing hemp also poses fire hazards for both residents and local residents.

What can you do?

The fight against undermining is a joint effort by the police, municipalities and other government organizations. But you too can do something! Do you suspect a grow shop or hemp-related activities in your area? Please contact us via the usual Police number (0900-8844) or via Report Crime Anonymous (by telephone: 0800-7000 or digitally: www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl/melden/). By sharing your suspicions or suspicious signals, you help to combat undermining crime. By reporting suspicious signals, you ensure that the police (together with other security partners) can take action.

Information source: Politie.nl

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