Police in action because of fake weapons in Middenbeemster

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Police in action because of fake weapons in Middenbeemster

Middenbeemster – Saturday afternoon around 1.15 pm, an alert bystander reported that young people were walking around the Raadhuisstraat with a firearm. The police immediately started an investigation and arrived around 2 p.m. at a house where the boys in question were inside. Four youths were talked out of the house. One of the youths came out with a fake weapon. Two other fake firearms were found in the home.

The fake weapons were suitable for threats and were therefore seized. Afterwards, a conversation was held with the parents and young people to explain the actions of the police. Everyone involved was impressed and aware of the seriousness of the situation.

In this situation it soon turned out to be fake firearms. From a distance it is difficult to judge whether you are dealing with a real or a fake firearm. Because it is so difficult to judge whether such a weapon is real or fake, it is not allowed to walk around with it on the street. A fake weapon can be seen as a threat by others. Fake firearms promote dangerous situations: if a fake firearm is indistinguishable from a real firearm, officers always act as if it were a real firearm.

View more information about fake firearms: https://www.politie.nl/onderwerpen/nepfirearms.html.

Information source: Politie.nl

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