Police fire warning shot after shelling house in Zuidwolde

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Police fire warning shot after shelling house in Zuidwolde

The police fired a warning shot on Monday afternoon when a 41-year-old man from Hoogeveen was arrested who allegedly shot at a house in Zuidwolde just before. No one was injured.

Around 4.30 pm, the police received a report of an argument at the Mrs. Jans-Dijkstralaan in Zuidwolde, in which shots were probably fired at a house. The suspect fled in his car after the incident.

Air rifle and cash

When the police spotted the man a little after 6 p.m. in the vicinity of Tiendeveen, a so-called talk-out procedure (BTGV) was applied. Because the man did not listen to the orders of the officers, a warning shot was fired. The 41-year-old man from Hoogeveen could then be arrested.

An air rifle and a large amount of money were found in his vehicle. How much exactly, the police have not disclosed.

The police are further investigating the incident and the circumstances.

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