Police arrest first casino robber

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Police arrest first casino robber

Oudenbosch – A man was arrested in a house in the Burgerhout district in Roosendaal on Monday morning, May 15. He is suspected of the armed robbery at the end of April 2022 at the casino on the Varkensmarkt in Oudenbosch.

Two perpetrators entered the casino around 0.45 am, just before closing, and threatened customers and staff with a knife. The duo fled with an amount of money. No one was injured, but the impact of the robbery was huge. Almost three months later, another armed robbery follows.


First, two more men turn up at the casino at the beginning of July. Because the door won’t open, they drip off. But presumably the same men are back more than a week later. Two robbers armed with a knife and a gun overpower two employees as they go outside. The perpetrators are heavy-handed and force the staff to hand over money. They put the loot in a black backpack and then flee through the front. The police assume that these are the same perpetrators.

Criminal investigation

An extensive investigation follows. The three incidents are also dealt with in the investigation programs Bureau Brabant and Opsporing Requested. The viewers see images of the brutal robberies. Ultimately, the research results lead to the 21-year-old man from Roosendaal. He was arrested at his home. He was placed in custody by the examining magistrate on Wednesday. The investigation into the second robber continues.

Information source: Politie.nl

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