‘Police are looking for Spanish Rotterdammer for attempted murder of Spanish politician’

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According to the Spanish police, the Rotterdam Spaniard Sami B. played an important role in the execution of the failed assassination attempt on the Spanish politician Alejandro Vidal-Quadras, last year in Madrid. The Algemeen Dagblad writes in a reconstruction of the attack that B. is currently wanted internationally.


After the attack on November 9, 2023, the seriously injured Vidal-Quadras (79) managed to type the letters “Iran” into his phone. The right-wing politician stood up for the opposition in the country. The police in Spain assume that an Iranian secret service had plotted the contract killing in the criminal environment. The AIVD previously announced that it suspects Iran of committing and planning attacks on Iranians in the Netherlands.


The 38-year-old Tunisian Mehrez A. is said to have shot Vidal-Quadras. He was arrested in Haarlem in early June.

The Spanish investigation services believe that a Dutch couple played a crucial role in the attack: Sami B. (26) and his ex-girlfriend “Chy” K. (27), who was arrested in Den Bosch at the end of April. It is possible that this woman was involved in the case by B. without her knowledge.

B. was born in Palma de Mallorca, but spent a large part of his life in the Rijnmond. He was known to the police and the judiciary there in connection with minor criminal offences, including possession of firearms.


Three weeks before the attack, Sami B. was in the southern Spanish spa town of Lanjarón. There he is said to have met the alleged shooter Mehrez A. and another co-suspect. According to the Spanish police, the execution of the attack was further elaborated there.

Sami B. then made a trip to Madrid with his girlfriend, the police believe this was a reconnaissance.

B. is also said to have transferred money for the purchase of technical equipment to monitor the target.

In the court in Amsterdam, Chy K. denied knowing about the attack in her extradition case. She says she was used by B.

A total of six suspects have been arrested in the investigation.

Also see:

‘Suspect in assassination attempt on Spanish politician also linked to attempted assassination in Haarlem’

Suspected shooter of assassination attempt on Spanish politician arrested in the Netherlands

‘Spanish police establish link between suspected Dutch woman and Taghi’s group’

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