Police: 14-year-old suspected of planning attack

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Police: 14-year-old suspected of planning attack

A 14-year-old boy was arrested in Vlaardingen on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday because the police believe he wanted to commit an attack on Gretha Hofstralaan in Vlaardingen. A plumber lives there on whom a series of attacks have already been carried out.

(Image MediaTV)


The police are keeping increased surveillance in the area. The boy was taken from the street at night and turned out to be in possession of items used to carry out attacks on buildings. The police did not reveal what kind of goods these were.


The goods were seized and the 14-year-old boy from Leidschendam was arrested. He is now under restrictions, which means that the police do not make any announcements and the boy is only allowed to have contact with his lawyer.

The police are now investigating whether he can be linked to previous explosions in Vlaardingen.

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