Perez lectures ‘best player of Ajax’: ‘Football as he is, a child’

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Perez lectures ‘best player of Ajax’: ‘Football as he is, a child’

After Ajax’s lost top match against PSV (3-0), Jorrel Hato received compliments from John Heitinga, Willem van Hanegem and Marciano Vink, but Kenneth Perez has a different opinion. He finds the seventeen-year-old defender guilty of the first PSV goal.

Luuk de Jong broke the spell after thirteen minutes after a good cross from Johan Bakayoko, which was not prevented by Hato. Vink thought that Ajax’s left back was insufficiently supported by his teammates, but ESPN colleague Perez disagrees.

“Bergwijn was there to double,” said Perez at Dit Was Het Weekend. “Hato should have covered the left side more to remove the cross. If the trainer says you should prevent crosses, you shouldn’t let that happen at all costs. Bergwijn just did his job. This was crucial.”

“I hear people say that Hato was the best player,” Perez refers to Heitinga’s words. “But it’s not about being able to play football. This is what it’s about. That you get a cross out, especially if that’s something you’ve hammered on beforehand. He plays football as he is, a child.”


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