Parkweg Schiedam supermarket robbed

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Parkweg Schiedam supermarket robbed

Schiedam – During an armed robbery of a supermarket, a suspect made off with an unknown amount of money on Friday evening around 7.45 pm. The victim, who was threatened with a firearm, was left severely shocked. He has been offered victim assistance. The investigation into the perpetrator is ongoing.

The victim was so upset by the robbery that he did not immediately raise the alarm. After he warned a family member, the police were still alerted. They immediately started an investigation, but the suspect has not yet been found.

Initially, due to the shock and the language barrier, no description was available. At a somewhat quieter moment, during the report, the victim was able to provide a description of the perpetrator. It was said to be a large man who he estimated to be between 25 and 30 years old, wearing dark clothing and a balaclava. From what he could see, the perpetrator had light skin and black hair. The suspect spoke Dutch with an accent.

A neighborhood investigation has been carried out in the hope that people in the area have seen something or have camera images showing the suspect. Do you have this information or images and have you not yet been contacted by the police? Let us know.

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