‘Nine Dutch suspects arrested in Polish port for cocaine trafficking’

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‘Nine Dutch suspects arrested in Polish port for cocaine trafficking’

Several Dutch people were arrested in Poland when they tried to remove a shipment of cocaine from a port in that country. They run the risk of ending up in jail for years. The AD reported this on Thursday.

Image: the port of Gdynia in Poland


It concerns nine Dutch people, including a minor, who were arrested in Poland at the beginning of December last year when they tried to recover a shipment of cocaine in the port of Gdynia.

According to the Polish Public Prosecution Service (OM), they were at a container terminal looking for a large batch of cocaine hidden in a container. They crawled through the fence, found the right container and broke the seal. But instead of getting their hands on the drugs, they were caught, writes AD.nl.


A total of nine Dutch people, aged in their twenties, were put in handcuffs between December 8 and 10. One of the suspects is not yet 18 years old. The investigating services found a total of 120 kilos of cocaine in the container in question.

Poland carries stiff penalties for their part in the drug trade. Somewhere between two and twelve years, Polish lawyers indicate.

The fact that extractors do their work abroad is unique. It happens rarely. There are indications in this case that the men had to perform their work under pressure, for example because their family members were threatened.

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