‘Nicolleke’ before the judge

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‘Nicolleke’ before the judge

There is news again about Nicolleke, the ex-girlfriend of Peter Gillis. While she poses in her Eva costume in the September issue of Playboy, we learn that Nicol Kremers will have to appear in court in October because she refused a blood test last March. The ex of reality star Peter Gillis was then arrested because she was possibly under…

There is news again about Nicolleke, the ex-girlfriend of Peter Gillis. While she poses in her Eva costume in the September issue of Playboy, we learn that Nicol Kremers will have to appear in court in October because she refused a blood test last March. The ex of reality star Peter Gillis was then arrested for possibly driving under the influence.

The Public Prosecution Service (OM) confirms that Kremers must answer to the judge on October 10.

According to the AD, Kremers made an “emotional, sad and anxious impression” on the officers when she was arrested in March, but she refused to have a blood test taken. As a result, it could not be determined whether, and if so, how much she had drunk or whether she had used drugs. The Public Prosecution Service labels this a crime that is usually punished more severely than driving under the influence itself.

According to her lawyer Sébas Diekstra, Gillis’ former partner was “in a particularly difficult phase” at the time of the incident. Her relationship with the holiday park owner had recently ended. It later turned out that he had assaulted her, which she also reported.

According to Diekstra, his client “actively sought help and worked intensively on himself” after the incident. During the hearing next month, he says he will discuss the substance of the charges.

Source: nu.nl / photo: AJDJ

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