New suspects in the Bijlmer violent incident report to the police

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New suspects in the Bijlmer violent incident report to the police

The police arrested two new suspects in the investigation into the violent incident at Bijlmer station in Amsterdam last week. The two boys are 13 and 12 years old. According to Het Parool, a report has also been filed against the victim.


The two boys came to report themselves on Wednesday, after the police had called for them to broadcast the images of the incident in a recognizable way.

A total of nine suspects have now been arrested in the case. Investigators expect more to follow. Three of the nine suspects are still in custody. It is suspected of attempted murder.


The man who was assaulted and pushed onto the track by a large group of young people at Bijlmer Arena station last Friday is said to have kissed an underage boy on the mouth shortly before the incident. Het Parool reported this earlier.

An assault has now been reported against the still unknown victim.

The police do not yet want to make any concrete statements about the circumstances of the event. The police do not want to comment on what the suspects are currently saying. She especially wants to record statements from witnesses, and not influence them with information about a possible cause of the incident. The police explains that in a movie.


It is still unclear who the victim is in this case. Detectives did have contact with a bystander who helped the victim back onto the platform after his fall on the track. This bystander indicated that the victim spoke no Dutch and little English. The victim’s accent appeared to be Italian, the bystander said.

The bystander further described the victim as a light-skinned man about 40 years old.

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