New law allows mayors to close houses

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New law allows mayors to close houses

If the House of Representatives approves a bill on Tuesday, mayors will soon be able to close houses if an attack is imminent or if weapons are found in the house. Residents may be temporarily removed from the home.

(Image from archive, MediaTV)


Mayors can already have a building closed on the basis of an emergency order, for example if there is great danger to local residents because there has been a shooting or an explosion. Or if drug trafficking has taken place in the building.

Residents can appeal against this to the court. In some cases, the judge disapproved of the closure of a home.


If there is a new law, mayors have legal authority and the route to court is closed.

The mayors in the four major cities say they need ‘clarity’, according to NOS.

In the night from Monday to Tuesday, two explosives exploded in Rotterdam streets. On the Oostzeedijk, the door of a café was damaged by an explosion. And an explosive also exploded at a portico of a building on Generaal van der Heijdenstraat.

Additional people

To help counter the wave of explosions in cities, the mayors want even more measures from the central government. According to the mayors, extra people and money are needed to tackle the problems.

In this way, for example, better camera surveillance can be arranged. Cameras alone are not enough, there must also be people who view the images.

The mayors also want to receive information more quickly from the police and the judiciary so that measures can be taken in time if there is a threat. Talks are underway about this.

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