Netflix Games review: Into the Dead 2: Unleashed is nice

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Netflix Games review: Into the Dead 2: Unleashed is nice

There’s something poetic about shooting zombies. It feels good, it doesn’t feel bad. Sometimes it seems to be a necessity. For example in the Netflix game Into the Dead 2: Unleashed. It’s old-fashioned blasting and that feels wonderful every now and then.

Into the Dead 2

It is an on rail shooter and that means that you do not have the freedom to walk yourself, but you are, as it were, on a kind of crazy roller coaster in which you have to make sure you shoot as much as possible in a very short time. However, that is not the only thing you do, because you are also given some freedom of movement to be able to take it all in.

Moreover, it is not the case that you can shoot unlimitedly, you really have to grab crates of ammo along the way. Luckily you can see them clearly, because you’re going to need them with that horde of undead coming your way. And there are other extras to keep an eye on, including chainsaws. Very cool, so be careful. Each level seems to have its own weapon specialty.

Zombie outbreak

In this game you are James, who as an ex-soldier is the perfect person to deal with the zombie outbreak. He doesn’t just do that, but because his sister Helen is making progress, he has to follow suit. And so are you. Fortunately, that is not a punishment. Although you may have to get used to the time frame. It’s not the 2024s with all its tech, but the 70s with all its… well… not tech. However, that is actually interesting and in our opinion a good choice by the makers. After all, it is something different. And it’s great that you can’t count on modern means of communication.

However, what we like most about this game by far is the difficulty. The zombie soldiers also really make things difficult for you and although I am not a fan of on rail shooters because it is quite annoying if you miss things, Into the Dead 2 actually gets away with it very well. It’s nice and nostalgic and just plain old-fashioned enjoyment. Don’t expect more than that, and you’ll be fine with this game. Which you can play “for free” with a Netflix subscription.

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