Motorcyclists fined during noise control

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Motorcyclists fined during noise control

North Holland – On Saturday afternoon, September 16, the police in Overveen conducted an extra noise check on the roads to and from the beach. Six motorcyclists received a fine and a WOK report because their motorcycle made too much noise. In addition, more than a hundred fines were issued during the inspection for speeding too high, holding a telephone and riding a souped-up moped.

During the inspection on the Brouwerskolkweg, six engines exceeded the permitted noise level. Seven mopeds appeared to have been staged on the roller bench. All drivers received a fine and a WOK report. This means that they are no longer allowed to ride their two-wheeler until it has been re-inspected by the RDW at their own expense.

In addition to these fines, fines were also issued on and around the Zeeweg for holding a mobile phone, not wearing a helmet, driving without a driver’s license and not using the moped path. The speed check carried out resulted in 88 fines. The highest speed measured was no less than 115 kilometers per hour.

Increase road safety
The number of road casualties in the Netherlands was higher last year than in previous years. Human behavior is usually the cause of traffic accidents. People drive too fast, they are under the influence of substances or they are distracted by, for example, using a mobile phone. The police regularly conduct checks to increase road safety.

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