Marengo trial murders in pictures

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Marengo trial murders in pictures

Last week ‘Marengo: The Visual Report’ was published about ‘the most diseased and poisoned trial ever’ by ANP journalist Marieke de Witte and court illustrator Aloys Oosterwijk. It is the first book published about the Marengo process.

De Witte and Oosterwijk followed the liquidation process surrounding the main suspect Ridouan Taghi from the start. This resulted in a compelling visual report on what happened inside and outside the court.


Oosterwijk’s cartoon-like drawings tell in detail what happened in De Bunker, the extra-secure court in Amsterdam-Osdorp, but also paint an impressive picture of the ruthless violence that peppered the trial.

De Witte reports in a gripping, informative manner on an ongoing criminal case and all the atrocities associated with it, including the six murders that took place in the Marengo trial and the shocking murders of the brother of key witness Nabil B., lawyer Derk Wiersum and crime journalist Peter R. de Vries.

The attack on spy shop owner Ronald Bakker on September 9, 2015 in Huizen.

The liquidation of Ranko Skekic, in June 2016 in Utrecht.
The liquidation of Abderrahim Belhadj, in May 2016 in Amsterdam-Zuidoost.


In addition, there are numerous drawings on display of Marengo suspects in court, but also of suspects in the other extensive liquidation process Eris around motorcycle club Caloh Wagoh, which started with the liquidation of Justin Jap Tjong in Amsterdam-Osdorp on January 31, 2017. was in retaliation for the mistaken murder of Hakim Changachi in Utrecht on January 12, 2017, in which Jap Tjong drove the getaway car.

Four drawings show that Justin Jap Tjong is lured by members of the motorcycle club to café ‘t Calandje in Amsterdam-Osdorp, after which he is shot at by the Prof. R. Casimirstraat, a little further away.

Saïd Razzouki jumped from a window of an apartment building during his arrest in Colombia in February 2020.


Also on display is a packed De Bunker, the cold, gray courtroom on a dreary industrial estate in Amsterdam-Osdorp, where a tangle of pillars, glass screens, suspects and their lawyers obstruct the view of those present in the press gallery.

Bottle of red wine

In addition to impressive drawings of the attacks on the buildings of De Telegraaf and Panorama, the arrest of Ridouan Taghi can also be seen in Dubai. With the accompanying text: ‘When the arrest team entered, Taghi was sitting on the couch watching TV with a woman, a bottle of red wine on the table (Château l’Evangile Pomerolcosts: about 300 euros per bottle), pack of cigarettes within reach.’

Other cases are also highlighted, such as the major weapons investigation 26Koper, the double liquidation in the Staatsliedenbuurt and the severed head of Nabil Amzieb that was found in March 2016 in front of a shisha lounge on the Amstelveenseweg in Amsterdam South. In addition, there are drawings related to the arrest of lawyer Inez Weski, Anour Taghi (Ridouan’s cousin), the lawsuit surrounding commando Sil A. and key witness Nabil B., who is looking for a new lawyer.

The book ‘Marengo: The Image Report’ was published by publisher L and consists of 112 pages.

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