Man flees from police, helicopter sees him lying in the bushes

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Man flees from police, helicopter sees him lying in the bushes

Breda – The police have arrested a 29-year-old man from Breda after he ran away when officers wanted to check him. That happened on Tuesday evening, April 2, around 9 p.m. Kilos of cannabis were then found in his cars.

Around 7:30 p.m., a report was received of a suspicious situation with a car on Epelenberg. Officers who drove there encountered the vehicle in question along the way. When she wanted to turn to follow it, the driver stepped on the gas and shot into Karbouwstraat. There, officers saw a man get out of the car and run away.

The suspect ran via the Wolvenring towards Kangaroostraat. Officers chased after him in the car. They saw him running into an alley. One officer jumped out of the car and continued the chase on foot. For a moment the suspect was out of sight, but he couldn’t have been far. The block of houses was cordoned off, meaning he couldn’t go anywhere anymore. The police helicopter also joined the search.

In the bushes

The officer suspected that the suspect was hiding in the shed of a house in Karbouwstraat. Just as he was about to ring the doorbell to ask the resident if he could look in the shed, the helicopter reported that they saw someone lying in the front yard of the house with the thermal camera. In the bushes next to the officer. The officer bent down, shined his flashlight and saw the suspect lying there.

The man was immediately arrested. Several kilos of cannabis were found in his car. Cannabis and a firearm were also found at the address where the man lives.

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