Man dies in shooting incident

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Man dies in shooting incident

Houten – On Thursday, April 20, around 5:30 a.m., a man was shot in the middle of the street. He did not survive this. The criminal investigation department has started a Large-Scale Investigation Team (TGO) and could use the help of witnesses.

In the early morning several shots are heard on the Stelhout. Several local residents look at what is going on and find an injured man on the street. The emergency services have already been called. When police arrive on the scene, the man is found to have died of his injuries. The detectives immediately started an investigation and the area around the PD has been cordoned off. A police helicopter was also deployed in the investigation.

Witnesses and images sought

It is unknown why the man was shot and by whom. There is no known description or escape route of the perpetrator or perpetrators. Did you see or hear anything? Or do you have other information that could be important for the investigation? Then contact the police via the detection line 0800-6070. Prefer anonymous? Then call Meld Misdaad Anoniem on 0800-7000. Images can also play an important role in the investigation. Do you have relevant visual material? Upload it easily via the link below.

Victim Support

Because the shooting incident happened on the street, you may have witnessed or been involved in some other way. Is this the case and do you feel the need to talk about it? Then employees of Victim Support Netherlands are ready for you. You can find out how to contact them on their website:

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