Man arrested on suspicion of attempted manslaughter

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Man arrested on suspicion of attempted manslaughter

Oosterhout – A traffic situation resulted in an assault and attempted murder of several people. The suspect was quickly found.

On Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 9:25 p.m., several police surveillance units were instructed to go to Bouwlingstraat. There was said to be a fight there between some people. Before the officers arrived on the scene, information was added that one of the people had driven a car into others. No one was injured and the suspect fled.

Attempted manslaughter

On the spot in the street, the officers found the residents of one of the houses. One of the residents had recently returned home in his car. When he wanted to turn into the driveway, it turned out that he was also being overtaken by another car. There was almost a collision and the two men got into an argument which resulted in a fight in which the resident was assaulted. Some local residents and housemates came to help. The suspect got into his car and drove full throttle towards a group. By jumping out of the way just in time, a collision with serious consequences was avoided. The suspect then reversed out of the driveway and fled the scene.


The license plate was known and officers started looking for the suspect’s car. The 18-year-old resident of Oosterhout was arrested shortly afterwards on Schaepmanlaan. The man is suspected of assault and attempted manslaughter on several people. The matter is under further investigation.

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