Man arrested in Heesch after search for 11-year-old girl

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Man arrested in Heesch after search for 11-year-old girl

Heesch – An 11-year-old girl from Rotterdam was found by officers after a major search on Monday evening, September 18. She was in a car in Heesch with a 23-year-old man from Oss. The man has been arrested.

The girl’s parents were very concerned when it turned out that the girl was no longer at home on Sunday morning, September 17. They alerted the police. The girl’s photo was immediately shared by the police on social media that Sunday and this message was widely shared. Unfortunately, this did not immediately yield any tips, but behind the scenes a large investigation team continued the search.

The research team was able to map out where the girl might have been. Thanks to camera images, a suspect was identified: a 23-year-old man from Oss. A team immediately went to the house in Oss. They found no one here, but a short time later it happened. They saw the car in a parking lot in Heesch around 9 p.m. The girl was in the car with the man and was in good health. She was then taken to the police station and officers were able to call the parents with the news that their daughter had been found.

The girl is now being spoken to to find out exactly what happened. The 23-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of withdrawing from parental authority. He is still in custody and is being interrogated.

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