Man arrested for involvement in Schiphol diamond theft

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Man arrested for involvement in Schiphol diamond theft

Ibiza, Spain – On February 6, a 59-year-old Dutch man was arrested by FAST Spain in collaboration with FAST NL, the Fugitive Active Search Team of the National Investigation and Interventions Unit (LO). The Dutchman was arrested on the Spanish island of Ibiza for involvement in the diamond heist at Schiphol in February 2005. His extradition has been requested. At the time, almost 73 million worth of diamonds were stolen. Some of the loot was never found.

A number of suspects were arrested at an earlier stage, but ultimately not prosecuted. In 2013, the police started a new investigation, which identified new suspects. The court in Amsterdam sentenced three robbers to prison terms of 9.5 years. The Supreme Court upheld these convictions. In November 2023, FAST NL was charged with the arrest of these three convicts. Within three weeks, two of them (both 49 years old) were arrested by FAST NL in collaboration with the Special Interventions Service (DSI) in the Netherlands. The third convict was eventually arrested in Ibiza on February 6.

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