Man arrested for insult and threat

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Man arrested for insult and threat

Kaatsheuvel – A nuisance was arrested on Monday afternoon. He insulted a municipal police officer, threatened him and tried to hit him.

On Monday, January 22, 2024 at 3:55 p.m., two investigating officers from the municipality reported to the operations center with their walkie-talkie. They had previously been sent to the Hoofdpoort shopping center in connection with some men who were causing a nuisance. When they arrived at the scene, one of the men spoke in a supermarket. But instead of starting the conversation, the man immediately became defensive and insulted the investigating officer.

Insult and threat

The intention was for the man to leave the store, but instead he walked further into the supermarket. When the Boa wanted to prevent this, he saw that the man was making hitting movements towards his head. The Boa grabbed him and brought him under control because he had been arrested. In the meantime the police had already arrived. The man resisted and threatened the Boa. When the officers arrived, they took over the suspect, a 60-year-old man from Sprang-Capelle, and took him to the station. A report has been filed against him of insult and threat. He is also suspected of resisting arrest.

#VPT Safe Public Task

The police do not tolerate verbal or physical violence against investigators, police officers, care providers and government employees and take decisive action against it. Anyone who commits aggression or violence against an employee with a public task must be punished quickly and severely. The perpetrator is not only punished criminally, but also financially for causing damage. It has been agreed with the Public Prosecution Service that the penalty for violence against employees with a public task will always be increased. Click here for more information about the safe public task.

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