Man arrested after suspicious PIN transaction

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Man arrested after suspicious PIN transaction

Tilburg – After two reports from alert bystanders, a suspect was arrested on Wednesday evening, April 17, 2024, for possible bank helpdesk fraud. The suspect resisted fiercely during the arrest and pepper spray and an electric stun gun were used to arrest him.

Around 7:30 PM, the control room received two reports of a person who made a suspicious PIN transaction. While pinning, a lot of effort was made to shield the face. The control room immediately sent several police officers to Zouavenlaan. After recording the statements of the reporters, a neighborhood investigation is started. One of the officers is approached by a new witness, because someone is once again using debit cards in a suspicious manner. The officer rushes to the ATM and eventually sees someone walking according to the description provided around 8:30 PM.

The officer drives his service vehicle to the 27-year-old suspect from Tilburg, but he runs away. The chase begins, with the officer also demanding a bicycle from a bystander to chase the suspect. Eventually he runs into an alley at Vierwindenlaan and the officer is able to approach the suspect. However, the suspect does not comply with the officer’s commands and tries to break free from the police officer’s grasp. Eventually he wriggles free, and the officer immediately uses pepper spray. The suspect then runs away again, after which the officer has to use the electroshock weapon. Ultimately, the suspect remains on the ground and can be arrested.

How the suspect is involved in possible bank help desk fraud is still being investigated further.

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