Man and woman arrested with money, drugs and weapon

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Man and woman arrested with money, drugs and weapon

Capelle aan den IJssel – A 24-year-old man from Capelle aan den IJssel and a 24-year-old woman from Rotterdam were arrested on April 4 on the Boomberg in Capelle aan den IJssel. They are suspected of money laundering, possession of (presumably hard drugs) and possession of a (fire) weapon. Both are stuck.

The story started that day around 5:50 p.m. when the police received a report that a motorist had been hit by a car containing two men at the Hermitage in Capelle aan den IJssel. These men pretended to be officers and smashed the windows of the stuck car. When a bystander intervened, the so-called police officers ran away and the driver of the blocked car also drove away. The fake officers left their car behind.

Upon arrival, an investigation immediately started and the trail soon led to the Boomberg in Capelle, where the trapped motorist and his car with the windows smashed were found. Cash, suspected hard drugs and a pellet gun were found in his home, after which the man and a woman who was also present were arrested.
The men who smashed the windows of the Capellen resident’s car have no longer been found. Their car, with which they had crashed into the Capellen resident and which they had left behind at the Hermitage, has been confiscated.

Looking for witnesses and images
Did you witness the crash and the destruction of the car windows at the Hermitage or do you have images of what happened? The police would like to get in touch with you. You can call 0900-8844 and ask for the Investigation department of the Rijnmond-Oost district.

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