‘Man abused at Bijlmer Arena would have assaulted a minor’

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‘Man abused at Bijlmer Arena would have assaulted a minor’

The assault by a group of boys of a man, Friday evening around 9.30 pm at Bijlmer Arena station, took place after a 16-year-old boy had been kissed on the mouth by the victim without being asked. Het Parool spoke to this boy’s lawyer. An assault has been reported. There are now seven underage suspects, the police are still looking for others.

Images of the assault show how a large group of young people trample on a man who was then pushed onto the track.

According to several statements, this man would have behaved differently and may have been drunk or under the influence of drugs. Three boys would have confronted the man about his behavior. After he touched the previously approached boy again, the abuse began.

According to a train passenger who met the victim on the other side of the track, he may have been Italian and did not want to call the police. He boarded a train to Schiphol. He hasn’t reported yet.

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