Man (30) arrested for serious assault on Parallelweg

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Man (30) arrested for serious assault on Parallelweg

The Hague – The police arrested a 30-year-old man of no fixed abode on Sunday on suspicion of involvement in a serious assault on Parallelweg in The Hague. A 22-year-old woman was seriously injured.

On Friday, January 12, the police received a report around 5:15 am that an injured woman was lying in the bushes near Parallelweg, near the Hague Public Transport Museum. She turned out to have been the victim of a serious assault and was transported to hospital. After a large-scale investigation by the police, a 30-year-old suspect was arrested on Sunday, January 14, on suspicion of assaulting the young woman. The man is under restrictions and will be brought before a magistrate on Wednesday

Witnesses wanted

Police investigations have shown that the assault took place around 3:20 am. Around 5:15 am a report was made by someone who had found her. The investigation team would like to get in touch with witnesses who have been in the area surrounding the incident in the meantime. Surveillance images show that several people were near the scene of the assault during this time. Were you in the area of ​​the Parallelweg, near the Hague Public Transport Museum, on the night of Thursday January 11 and Friday January 12 between 3:00 and 5:00 am? Please contact the investigation tip line 0800-6070 or anonymously via M.: 0800-7000. You can also tip via the tip form below.

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