Major seizure of cash and drugs in Leemwierde home in Almere

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Major seizure of cash and drugs in Leemwierde home in Almere

Almere – Agents raided a house on Leemwierde in the evening of Wednesday, January 24. This led to the discovery of a large amount of money and more than 200 kg of drugs

Investigation revealed that narcotics may have been present in the home. When officers entered the home, they found two people. Both men, 36 years old from Amsterdam and 64 years old from Almere, were arrested.

Special unit deployed
Because the amount of money in cash was so large and more than 200kg of drugs were found, the Security Unit was urgently called. They kept an eye on the house for several hours so that colleagues could search the house safely. Several valuables were also found during the search. Everything has been seized and the drugs have now been destroyed.

Arraignment before the examining magistrate
Both suspects were brought before the examining magistrate this afternoon. It has determined that the men must remain in pre-trial detention for at least another 14 days.

Suspicious situations? Always report!
Suspicious situations can be anything. Perhaps you see strange people in your neighborhood who do not live there or perhaps you see a lot of people coming and going from a home. It is important that you report these types of situations. This can be done in an acute situation by calling 112 immediately. Do you have information you would like to share? You can do this by calling 0900-8844. You can also provide your information anonymously by calling toll-free 0800-7000 or by clicking online here.

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