Major drug seizure in Slotervaart home

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Major drug seizure in Slotervaart home

Amsterdam – The police found a large quantity of drugs in a house on Postjesweg on Tuesday, February 6, 2024. The 38-year-old resident and a 31-year-old woman present in the home were arrested during the raid. Detectives are continuing the investigation and have not ruled out more arrests.

The police made the ‘entry’ because investigation and observations arose the suspicion that there were drugs in the house. An extensive search was conducted in the home, during which a large quantity of narcotics and thousands of euros in cash were found. These have been confiscated. Forensic investigation is currently investigating which drugs exactly were involved and how much was found. This would involve a total of more than 100 kilograms of hard drugs: including MDMA, XTC pills, amphetamine and ketamine, but also blocks of cocaine, weighing and sealing equipment and cutting and packaging materials.

Administrative reporting
The police prepares an administrative report for the municipality. This could lead to administrative measures against the 38-year-old resident. With this discovery, a large quantity of hard drugs has been removed from the circuit. Drugs fuel criminal growth, violence and subversive crime. Huge amounts of money are involved in the drug trade. The cocaine trade disrupts neighborhoods, families and neighborhoods. Our biggest concern is that young boys in vulnerable neighborhoods are being sucked into the big money of crime.

Drug nuisance? Report dealing!
Help from residents and entrepreneurs in the fight against drugs is of great value. Anyone who suspects the trafficking or production of drugs can report this to the police via 0900-8844, anonymously via 0800-7000 or by contacting the local police officer.

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