Major drug lab broken up in Kuinre

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Major drug lab broken up in Kuinre

A large drug lab was found in a warehouse in the Overijssel town of Kuinre on Friday morning. The warehouse contained 150 kilos of MDMA and hundreds of kilos of raw materials. Three suspects have been arrested. The police announced this on Monday.

Active lab

After an investigation, the Special Interventions Service raided the warehouse in the church village of Kuinre on Friday. The police found an active drug lab in the warehouse. Two suspects who were working were arrested at the scene. These are men aged 49 and 41 from North Brabant. The 44-year-old resident of the adjacent farm was also arrested.


After a search of the farm, drugs were also found there. It was striking that hundreds of snakes were also kept there. These turned out to be after assessment of the Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA) to be legal.

450,000 euros

According to the National Dismantling Facility (LFO), this is a large drug lab that was professionally equipped. The warehouse contained approximately 150 kilos of MDMA (raw material for ecstasy) and many raw materials for producing hundreds of kilos of synthetic drugs. According to the police, the street value is around 450,000 euros.

LFO experts worked until late afternoon on Saturday to dismantle the lab and remove the items. The suspects were brought before the examining magistrate in Rotterdam today and remanded in custody.

The environmental police of the East Netherlands Unit are investigating the contamination and the municipality of Steenwijkerland will take administrative measures.

The police shared images of the drug lab on YouTube.

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