Major checks on the A1 near Stroe to tackle undermining crime

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Major checks on the A1 near Stroe to tackle undermining crime

Barneveld – The police, the Tax Authorities, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), the Royal Military Police, customs and the municipality of Barneveld conducted a large-scale undermining inspection along the A1 near Stroe on Thursday, February 8. Several people were arrested for driving under the influence, several cars were seized and tax debts were collected. The aim of the audit was to tackle subversive crime.

The police arrested a total of seven people for driving under the influence (drugs and alcohol). Others drove with an invalid driving license or were unable to produce a driving licence. A number of prohibited goods were also seized. Furthermore, 800 traffic fines were issued for violating the permitted speed. In addition, the National Expertise and Operations Unit (LX) of the police carried out several checks on (waste) transports. Many checks were also carried out and signals of subversive crime were recorded.

tax authorities
Tax debts were identified by the Tax Authorities, of which approximately 124,000 euros were collected immediately. Twelve cars have also been seized by the tax authorities due to outstanding debts of approximately EUR 154,000. One vehicle was removed due to an outstanding debt of EUR 18,000.

Controls to tackle the undermining nature of (serious) crime
The government regularly conducts inspections with the aim of tackling the undermining nature of (serious) crime. This could include confiscating criminal assets, confiscating vehicles and weapons, as well as benefit and tax fraud. This check included use of fixed and mobile ANPR cameras and a Customs drug dog. The vehicles were guided to the control location with the help of police motorcyclists. In addition, conspicuous and inconspicuous vehicles drove around in and around the city to look out for subversive signals.

What is subversion
Subversive crime is the mixture between the underworld and the upper world. Criminals abuse citizens, entrepreneurs, services, institutions and companies for their own gain and interests. Subversion affects the rule of law and endangers the security of society. Citizens and entrepreneurs come into contact with undermining crime (sometimes under duress). In addition, residents in their neighborhood may be confronted with intimidation, violence, but also risks of fire from cannabis farms, drug labs and environmental pollution from drug dumps.

Reporting helps
Reports and tips from citizens are indispensable in tackling crime. That information can be the start of an investigation, but also the missing piece of the puzzle that can solve a case. Suspects are regularly arrested or drug labs are broken up thanks to reports from alert citizens. Do you suspect that something is not right in your area? Or concrete signals that point to crime? Report them to the police via 0900 – 8844. Would you rather report anonymously? This can be done via Report Crime Anonymous, then call 0800 – 7000.

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