Looking for witnesses to throwing a burning object at the Hoogblokland home

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Looking for witnesses to throwing a burning object at the Hoogblokland home

Hoogblokland – Residents of a home on Hoge Giessen were startled on Wednesday morning, April 10, when they found a glass bottle with flammable material in it in the front yard of their home. There was also a graffiti written on the gate of the house. The police are investigating and would like to get in touch with people who know more.

Fortunately, the burning bottle did not end up in the house and no one was injured. Immediately after the residents’ report, around 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning, April 10, officers started an investigation. Throwing the bottle and writing the graffiti must have happened between 11:30 PM on Tuesday evening and 7:45 AM on Wednesday morning.

You can help us
Witnesses are very welcome in this investigation. Do you have images or information that could be relevant? Or do you know more about this incident? Please contact us. This can be done via 0900-8844 or via the reporting form on this site. If you prefer to remain anonymous, you can also do so via Report Crime Anonymous on 0800-7000 or www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.

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Information source: Politie.nl

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