Life sentence requirement for Brabant liquidation from 2004

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Life sentence requirement for Brabant liquidation from 2004

In the court in Breda, the public prosecutor demanded life in prison against 62-year-old Johan S. because he allegedly killed Robert Sengers (40) in Esbeek in 2004. According to the Public Prosecution Service, it was a contract killing on behalf of an unknown client.


Sengers was sitting in a car in the parking lot of a restaurant in Esbeek on September 8, 2004 when he was shot dead. Sengers was a drug criminal who lived in Neerpelt (B) in a neighborhood where Dutch criminals John Mieremet and Sam Klepper had a house at the time.

Sengers worked together with Breda resident Mohamed Yacoubi. The latter was shot dead in Son in 2002, also while sitting in a car.

Suspect Johan S. was sentenced to eighteen years in prison in 2014 for shooting Yacoubi.


S. was already detained in November 2018 on suspicion of the murder of Sengers, after a broadcast of Opsporing Verzocht, but the case was not resolved.

The statements of an ex-girlfriend of S. are now important in the evidence. There is also a threatened anonymous witness. Both witnesses say they were taken into confidence by S. The anonymous witness also talks about details of the shooting.

In 2019, DNA found on a scooter could with a high probability be linked to S.. According to the Public Prosecution Service, that scooter was used in the liquidation and was found two days later, close to the crime scene. The police completed the file against S. in 2019.

Also see:

‘Notorious suspect of murder Robert Sengers remains in custody’

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