Largest discovery of ketamine in the Netherlands ever

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Largest discovery of ketamine in the Netherlands ever

Muiderberg – The police seized a gigantic batch of ketamine on Thursday, January 4. More than 2,000 kilos of the white powder was found in a shed on the Googweg in Muiderberg. This is the largest amount of ketamine ever found in the Netherlands. A 55-year-old man from Naarden has been arrested.

Greatest find ever
The police received anonymous information about a large shipment of narcotics that was allegedly on the site on Googweg. Dozens of boxes full of ketamine were subsequently found in a shed near the house. It is estimated that this concerns approximately 2,000 kilos of the narcotic, with a total street value of almost 55 million euros. Several kilos of hard drugs were also found. The narcotics were safely removed by the security unit and destroyed.

A 55-year-old man from Naarden was present in the house and was arrested. The police are investigating his role in this case. Two children were also present in the home at the time of the raid, and a Safe at Home notification was created for them.

Ketamine is not included in list I or II of the Opium Act, but is a medicine that may not be traded or possessed in commercial stocks without registration. Trading without registration is punishable under the Medicines Act, with a maximum penalty of 6 years’ imprisonment. Ketamine is emerging as a party drug, but is very harmful to public health. Moreover, the trade is often accompanied by other forms of crime, such as money laundering and possession of weapons.

Help tackle crime
Reports from residents help in tackling crime. Residents who see suspicious situations or suspect that criminal activities are taking place in their neighborhood are asked to always report this. This can be done via the police via 0900-8844, anonymously via Report Crime Anonymous 0800-7000 or via the Criminal Intelligence Team. The latter by calling 0900-8844, not mentioning your name and asking directly for the Criminal Intelligence Team.

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