‘Judge in appeal case Marengo may remain from Public Prosecution Service’

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‘Judge in appeal case Marengo may remain from Public Prosecution Service’

The Public Prosecution Service believes that the judge in the appeal of the Marengo case does not have to leave, because he previously served as chairman in the key witness case Passage. Lawyers for the suspects are concerned that he is not objective enough.

Image: Ridouan Taghi on his way to the Netherlands, after the decision on his extradition


De Telegraaf reports this on Thursday afternoon. The Public Prosecution Service believes that the two cases are separate. “There is by no means a substantive and factual interrelationship,” said the Advocate General. She also emphasized that judging laws and regulations is a judge’s daily job. “That can in no way create any appearance of partiality.”

The chairman of the court noted that the positions of the lawyers and the Public Prosecution Service appear to be ‘far apart’, the newspaper notes. The court will decide on the lawyers’ requests on May 8.


In the Marengo liquidation trial, the court in Amsterdam imposed a life sentence on Ridouan Taghi (46) at the end of February for ordering multiple murders and attempted murders and leading a criminal organization. Saïd Razzouki (51) and Mario R. (44) also received life sentences.


Ridouan Taghi then decided to appeal, as did 13 other suspects. The Public Prosecution Service also appealed against seven of Taghi’s co-suspects. This concerns cases in which the court has partially acquitted suspects. In some cases, the Public Prosecution Service considers the sentences imposed to be too low.

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